发布时间:2020-11-04 浏览次数:282
中国科学技术大学管理学院, 教授, 2012-, 合肥, 中国
中国科学技术大学管理学院, 副教授, 2011-2012, 合肥, 中国
香港理工大学酒店与旅游管理学院, 访问学者, 2010.1-2010.2, 香港, 中国
中国科学技术大学管理学院, 讲师, 2009-2011, 合肥, 中国
香港理工大学物流与海运学习系, 研究助理, 2008.1-2008.8, 香港, 中国
中国科学技术大学, 博士, 2009, 合肥, 中国
郑州航空工业管理学院, 学士, 2003, 郑州, 中国
教师资质 sa
1. 安徽省“十三五”产业结构优化评估研究, 省软科学项目, 纵向, ¥50,000.00, 2019-2021 (1/6,通讯)
2. 管理科学与工程学科发展战略, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 纵向, ¥600,000.00, 2019-2020 (6/8)
3. 中宣部2019年文化名家暨“四个一批”人才, 文化名家暨“四个一批”人才, 纵向, ¥0.00, 2019-2028 (1/1,通讯)
4. 面向国际认证的管理科学人才培养与教学改革研究, 校级教学改革研究项目, 纵向, ¥15,000.00, 2018-2020 (1/1,通讯)
5. 考虑决策单元非同质性的dea效率评价与效率改进理论、方法与应用, 国家自然科学基金委员会, 纵向, ¥493,000.00, 2016-2019 (1/1)
6. 自然资源管理体制研究, 教育部人文社会科学基金一般项目, 纵向, ¥100,000.00, 2015-2017 (1/1)
7. 中共中央组织部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才计划项目, 中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才项目, 纵向, ¥500,000.00, 2015-2020 (1/1,通讯)
8. 基于数据包络分析(dea)的组织单元兼并重组理论与方法研究, 教育部高校博士点基金, 纵向, ¥120,000.00, 2014-2016 (1/1)
9. 安徽省质量工程项目-管理科学特色专业, 省级专业综合改革项目, 纵向, ¥200,000.00, 2014-2018 (1/1,通讯)
10. 评价理论与方法, 国家自然科学优秀青年基金项目, 纵向, ¥1,000,000.00, 2013-2015 (1/1)
11. 安徽省教学成果奖一等奖:面向aacsb国际认证的管理科学类人才培养体系, 省部级, 2019 (1/5,通讯)
12. 安徽省教学成果奖特等奖:以“互联网 ”创新创业大赛为抓手探索“双创”人才培养模式, 省部级, 2019 (4/5)
13. 中国科学技术大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师, 校级, 2019 (1/1,通讯)
14. 中国科学院优秀研究生指导教师奖, 省部级, 2018 (1/1,通讯)
15. 中国科学院朱李月华优秀教师奖, 省部级, 2017 (1/1,通讯)
16. 中国科大-唐立新优秀学者奖, 校级, 2019 (1/1,通讯)
17. highly commended paper award of 2019 emerald literati awards, 其他, 2019 (4/4)
18. esi高被引论文(using a hybrid heterogeneous dea method to benchmark china’s sustainable urbanization: an empirical study), 省部级, 2019 (2/4,通讯)
19. esi高被引论文(measuring energy and environmental efficiency of transportation systems in china based on a parallel dea approach), 省部级, 2019 (1/5,通讯)
20. 苏州市第十四次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖(三等奖), 地市级, 2018 (5/5)
1. 中国系统工程学会, 理事, 2019-2019 (1/1,通讯)
2. 中国管理现代化研究会, 委员会委员, 2018-2019 (1/1,通讯)
3. 管理科学与工程学会, 理事, 2017-2020 (1/1,通讯)
4. 华人学者管理科学与工程协会第九次国际年会, 组织委员会成员, 2016-2016 (1/1,通讯)
5. 中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会青年工作委员会, 副秘书长, 2015-2019 (1/1,通讯)
6. 中国运筹学会随机服务与运作管理分会, 常务理事, 2015-2019 (1/1,通讯)
7. 中国科学技术大学学术委员会, 委员会委员, 2015-2019 (1/1,通讯)
8. 中国系统工程学会, 理事, 2014-2018 (1/1,通讯)
爱尔眼科:如何成为眼科医疗行业的标杆, 国家级, 2017-06-07 (2/2)
a企业:破局汽车零部件厂商困境, 国家级, 2017-04-20 (2/2)
a企业:兴国企改革,撑经济脊梁, 国家级, 2017-04-20 (2/2)
1. 运用混合异质性dea方法标杆管理中国可持续性城镇化:实证研究, annals of operations research, 2019, 278(1-2): 281-335 (2/4,通讯)
2. 策略性顾客下考虑参考价格效应以及价格匹配策略的动态定价研究, journal of the operational research society, 2019, 70(12): 2069-2083 (4/4)
3. 中国工业部门的能源和环境效率度量:一个具有非同质投入和产出的dea模型, energyeconomics , 2019, (78): 468-480 (1/5)
4. 揭示减排背后的节能潜力:基于dea的实证研究, management of environmental quality: an international journal, 2019, 30(4): 714-730 (4/5)
5. 带有贝叶斯需求学习和参考价格效应的动态定价策略研究, european journal of operational research, 2019, 279(2): 540-556 (3/3)
6. 基于数据包络分析的多目标距离摩擦最小化性能评估模型, european journal of operational research, 2019, 279(1): 132-142 (4/4)
7. 供应链在不良因素和逆向流动下的表现:基于dea的方法, journal of the operational research society, 2019, 70(1): 125-135 (3/4)
8. 基于指数变换的dea方法建模不良产出:中国工业能效测度的应用, journal of cleaner production, 2019, 236: 1-11 (4/4)
9. 热电厂环境效率测量:一种具有固定和不良输出的常用均衡有效前沿dea方法, annals of operations research, 2019, 275(2): 731-749 (1/4)
10. 中国区域生态效率分析:一种具有公平效率分解的dea两阶段网络方法, computational economics, 2019, 54(4): 1263-1285 (2/5,通讯)
11. 交通运输业的环境效率与技术进步基于大规模数据, technological forecasting and social change, 2019, 144: 475-482 (2/3,通讯)
12. 库存控制和供应链管理:基于绿色增长视角, resource conservation and recycling, 2019, 145: 78-85 (2/4,通讯)
13. 公众对可持续发展的关注对产品线长度的影响, european journal of operational research, 2018, 269(1): 16-23 (2/4,通讯)
14. sustainable urbanization performance evaluation and benchmarking: an efficiency perspective, management of environmental quality: an international journal, 2018, 29(2): 240-254 (4/4)
15. a simple milp to determine closest targets in non-oriented dea model satisfying strong monotonicity, omega- international journal of management science, 2018, 79: 1-8 (2/4,通讯)
16. closest target for the orientation-free context-dependent dea under variable returns to scale, journal of the operational research society, 2018, 69(11): 1819-1833 (1/5)
17. an sbm-dea model with parallel computing design for environmental efficiency evaluation in the big data context: a transportation system application, annals of operations research, 2018, 270(1-2): 105-124 (2/3)
18. efficiency evaluation based on data envelopment analysis in the big data context, computers & operations research , 2018, 98: 291-300 (2/3)
19. 应对工作场所的移动技术过载, internet research, 2018, 28(5): 1189-1212 (4/4)
20. 珠江三角洲区域酒店绩效与基准:投入产出效率分析, international journal of contemporary hospitality management, 2018, 30(2): 855-873 (3/3,通讯)
21. 基于dea方法的具有交互考虑的并行系统的资源分配:对中文输入-输出表的应用, infor (information systems and opration research), 2018, 56(3): 298-316 (2/5,通讯)
22. 提高dmus环境绩效的资源配置与目标设定:中国区域公路运输系统中的应用, transportation research part d: transport & environment, 2018, 61: 204-216 (1/5)
23. performance evaluation of heterogeneous bank supply chain systems from the perspective of measurement and decomposition, computers & industrial engineering, 2017, 113: 891-903 (4/4)
24. what are the effects of different tax policies on china's coal-fired power generation industry? an empirical research from a network slacks-based measure perspective, journal of cleaner production, 2017, 142: 2816-2827 (4/4)
25. evaluation of decision-making units based on the weight-optimized dea model, kybernetika, 2017, 53(2): 244-262 (4/4)
26. performance evaluation of chinese port enterprises under significant environmental concerns: an extended dea-based analysis, transport policy, 2017, 60: 75-86 (5/5)
27. efficiency evaluation of regional energy saving and emission reduction in china: a modified slacks-based measure approach., journal of cleaner production, 2017, 140: 1313-1321 (5/5)
28. efficiency evaluation of an interactive system by data envelopment analysis approach., computers & industrial engineering, 2017, 103: 17-25 (4/4)
29. measuring energy and environmental performance for regions in china by using dea-based malmquist indices., operational research, 2017, 17(3): 715-735 (1/1,通讯)
30. china's regional natural resource allocation and utilization: a dea-based approach in a big data environment, journal of cleaner production, 2017, 142(2): 809-818 (2/2,通讯)
31. target intermediate products setting in a two-stage system with fairness concern., omega- international journal of management science, 2017, 73: 49-59 (4/4,通讯)
32. dea-based models for best partner selection for merger, rairo - operations research, 2017, 51(4): 1345-1357 (2/5)
33. total-factor energy efficiency evaluation of china’s industry by using two-stage dea model with shared inputs, annals of operations research, 2017, 255: 257-276 (1/5)
34. slacks-based efficiency measurements with undesirable outputs in data envelopment analysis., international journal of information technology and decision making, 2017, 16(4): 1005-1021 (1/4)
35. a unique equilibrium efficient frontier with fixed-sum outputs in data envelopment analysis, journal of the operational research society, 2017, 68(12): 1483-1490 (2/4,通讯)
36. dea cross-efficiency evaluation based on pareto improvement, european journal of operational research, 2016, 248(2): 571-579 (1/3)
37. determining common weights in data envelopment analysis based on the satisfaction degree, journal of the operational research society, 2016, 67(12): 1446-1458 (1/9,通讯)
38. best cooperative partner selection and input resource reallocation using dea, journal of the operational research society, 2016, 67(9): 1221-1237 (1/3,通讯)
39. internal resource waste and centralization degree in two-stage systems: an efficiency analysis, omega- international journal of management science, 2016, 61(6): 89-99 (3/4,通讯)
40. two-stage network processes with shared resources and resources recovered from undesirable outputs, european journal of operational research, 2016, 251(1): 182-197 (1/4,通讯)
41. dea cross-efficiency evaluation based on satisfaction degree: an application to technology selection, international journal of production research, 2016, 54(20): 5990-6007 (1/3,通讯)
42. extended secondary goal models for weights selection in dea cross-efficiency evaluation, computers & industrial engineering, 2016, 93(3): 143-151 (1/5)
43. chinese regional natural resource allocation and utilization: a dea-based approach in a big data environment, journal of cleaner production, 2016, 142(2): 809-818 (2/4,通讯)
44. eco-design of transportation in sustainable supply chain management: a dea-like method, transportation research part d: transport & environment, 2016, (48): 451-459 (2/3,通讯)
45. co2 emissions and energy intensity reduction allocation over provincial industrial sectors in chi, applied energy, 2016, 166(3): 282-291 (1/3,通讯)
46. evaluating the environmental efficiency of a two-stage system with undesired outputs by a dea approach: an interest preference perspective, european journal of operational research, 2016, 254(3): 1047-1062 (1/5)
47. a dea-based approach for allocation of emission reduction tasks, international journal of production research, 2016, 54(18): 5618-5633 (1/5,通讯)
48. resource allocation based on context-dependent data envelopment analysis and a multi-objective linear programming approach, computers & industrial engineering, 2016, 101(11): 81-90 (1/5)
49. measuring energy and environmental efficiency of transportation systems in china based on a parallel dea approach, transportation research part d: transport & environment, 2016, 48(10): 460-472 (1/5,通讯)
50. target setting and allocation of carbon emissions abatement based on dea and closest target: an application to 20 apec economies, natural hazards, 2016, 84(1): 279-296 (1/3,通讯)
51. resource scheduling in a private cloud environment: an efficiency priority perspective, kybernetes, 2016, 45 (10): 1524-1541 (2/4,通讯)
52. a mixed-objective integer dea model, annals of operations research, 2015, 228(1): 81-95 (1/2)
53. measuring slacks-based efficiency for commercial banks in china by using a two-stage dea model with undesirable output, annals of operations research, 2015, 235(1): 13-35 (3/9,通讯)
54. a hotel life cycle model based on a bootstrap dea approach, international journal of contemporary hospitality management, 2015, 27(5): 918-937 (3/3)
55. measuring e-government performance of provincial government website in china with slacks-based efficiency measurement, technological forecasting and social change, 2015, 96(7): 25-31 (1/2)
56. two-stage network structures with undesirable intermediate outputs reused: a dea based approach, computational economics, 2015, 46(3): 455-477 (1/3,通讯)
57. environmental issues in china: monitoring, assessment and management, ecological indicators, 2015, 51: 1-2 (1/3,通讯)
58. advances in energy and environmental issues in china: theory, models and applications, annals of operations research, 2015, 228(1): 1-8 (1/3,通讯)
59. a comprehensive analysis of china's regional energy saving and emission reduction efficiency from production and treatment perspectives, energy policy , 2015, 84(9): 166-176 (1/4,通讯)
60. measuring the performance of thermal power firms in china via fuzzy enhanced russell measure model with undesirable outputs, journal of cleaner production, 2015, 102(9): 237-245 (1/5,通讯)