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发布时间:2020-11-04  浏览次数:538






中国科学技术大学, 教授, 2010-, 合肥, 中国 

中国科学技术大学, 副教授, 2001-2010, 合肥, 中国 

中国科学技术大学, 博士, 2004, 合肥, 中国 

武汉大学, 硕士, 1994, 武汉, 中国 

武汉大学, 学士, 1991, 武汉, 中国

教师资质 sa







1. 2021-2035年安徽省科技创新基地建设与发展战略研究, 省软科学项目, 纵向, ¥100,000.00, 2019-2020 (1/1,通讯) 

2. 企业家资本、组织创新与新创企业绩效:基于高阶理论视角, 安徽省自然科学基金委员会, 纵向, ¥80,000.00, 2017-2019 (1/1,通讯) 

3. 基于过程视角的研究生创业教育模型与方案研究, 国家各部委其它科研项目, 纵向, ¥5,000.00, 2015-2017 (1/1) 

4. 基于体验式学习的研究生创业教育理论建模与方案设计, 省教研教改一般项目, 纵向, ¥100,000.00, 2015-2018 (1/1) 

5. 基于核心能力的研究生分类培养模式研究, 教育部人文社会科学研究一般项目, 纵向, ¥100,000.00, 2014-2016 (1/1) 

6. 社会资本、文化智力、团队学习与合作创新绩效:基于资源基础理论的实证研究, 基金委, 纵向, ¥540,000.00, 2014-2017 (1/3) 

7. 安徽省教学成果奖一等奖:基于国家科研平台的高水平博士培养体系的探索与实践, 省部级, 2018 (1/1) 

8. 中国学位与研究生教育学会研究生教育成果奖二等奖:基于国家科研平台的高水平博士培养体系的探索与实践, 省部级, 2018 (1/1) 

9. 中国科学院教学成果奖一等奖:以核心能力为导向的研究生分类培养培养模式的探索与实践, 省部级, 2017 (1/1) 

10. 中国科学院教学成果奖二等奖:政产学研“四位一体”研究生联合培养模式探索与实践, 省部级, 2017 (3/3) 

11. 安徽省教育厅就业创新优秀论文一等奖:supervisory styles and graduate student creativity: the mediating roles of creative self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, 省部级, 2017 (1/1) 

12. 安徽省教育厅就业创新优秀论文一等奖:importance of social capital to student creativity within higher education in china, 省部级, 2017 (1/1) 

13. 中国学位与研究生教育学会:学会工作贡献奖, 省部级, 2016 (1/1) 


中国学位与研究生教育学会人才选拔与评价委员会, 委员会委员, 2014-2017 (1/1,通讯) 


1. 文化智力与员工创造性绩效:组织间团队冲突的调节作用, journal of management & organization, 2019, 25(1): 96-116 (3/3,通讯) 

2. 促进型-抑制型建言对员工绩效的影响:权力距离的调节作用, asia pacific journal of management, 2019, 36(4): 1053-1077 (2/4) 

3. 任务型和关系型个人主动性对创业意向的影响, sustainability, 2019, 11(19): 1-14 (3/3) 

4. 企业社交网络使用作为工作压力和员工创造力之间关系的调节因素:一个多层次的研究, information & management, 2019, 56(8): 103165 (4/4) 

5. 企业开放创新与新产品开发速度商业模式的契合研究, technovation, 2019, 86: 75-85 (4/4) 

6. 多种制度压力对企业环境责任的交互作用:基于制度理论与多层次分析, business strategy and the environment, 2019, 28(5): 724-736 (2/3) 

7. 消费者共享服务的意愿影响机制分析, transportation research part c: emerging technologies, 2019, 105: 504-519 (2/4,通讯) 

8. 探讨文化个人主义和集体主义对公众接受核能的作用, energy policy , 2019, 132: 208-215 (6/6) 

9. regulatory focus, environmental turbulence, and entrepreneur improvisation, international entrepreneurship and management journal, 2018, 14(1): 129-148 (2/4) 

10. risk propensity, self-regulation, and entrepreneurial intention: empirical evidence from china, current psychology, 2018, 37(3): 648-660 (1/4) 

11. a new scale to measure cross-organizational cultural intelligence: initial development and validation, chinese management studies, 2018, 12(3): 658-679 (4/4) 

12. top managers' managerial ties, supply chain integration, and firm performance in china: a social capital perspective, industrial marketing management, 2018, 74: 205-214 (4/4) 

13. can curriculum help career success? an empirical research on the perceived employability of students, higher education research & development, 2018, 37(5): 966-983 (1/3) 

14. linking authoritarian leadership to employee creativity: the influences of leader–member exchange, team identification and power distance, chinese management studies, 2018, 2(12): 384-406 (1/5) 

15. how do department high‐performance work systems affect creative performance? a cross‐level approach, asia pacific journal of human resources, 2018, 3(56): 402-426 (2/3) 

16. collectivism and employees' innovative behavior: the mediating role of team identification and the moderating role of leader‐member exchange, creativity and innovation management, 2018, 2(27): 221-231 (3/4,通讯) 

17. 提高研究生辅导员工作投入的实证研究, 江苏高教, 2018, 3(2018): 67-71 (2/3) 

18. 创业自我效能与机会识别:创业教育的调节效应分析, 科技管理研究, 2018, 12(38): 210-216 (3/3) 

19. 领导发展性反馈、员工工作卷入与建言行为:员工情绪智力调节作用, 管理评论, 2018, 03(30): 128-139 (2/2) 

20. b2c电子商务的感知信息透明度:实证研究, information & management, 2018, 55(7): 912-927 (5/5) 

21. supply chain contracting with linear utility function, international journal of information systems and supply chain management, 2017, 10(2): 1-22 (2/4) 

22. voice behavior and creative performance moderated by stressors, journal of managerial psychology, 2017, 32(2): 177-192 (3/3,通讯) 

23. the moderating role of social media usage in the relationship among multicultural experiences, information technology and people, 2017, 30(2): 265-281 (2/4) 

24. 创业者社交主动性对新创企业机会识别的影响——有调节的中介效应模型, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017, 38(5): 169-180 (1/3) 

25. 基于自我决定理论的社交网络用户持续使用影响因素研究, 大连理工大学学报(社会科学版), 2017, 38(4): 74-80 (3/3) 

26. 双向开放式创新、创新能力与新产品市场绩效, 经济与管理研究, 2017, 38(11): 134-144 (1/3) 

27. supply chain models with corporate social responsibility, international journal of production research, 2017, 55(22): 6732-6759 (4/4) 

28. a multi-level study of servant leadership on creativity: the roles of self-efficacy and power distance, leadership & organization development journal, 2017, 38(5): 610-629 (3/3,通讯) 

29. social media use in the career development of graduate students: the mediating role of internship effectiveness and the moderating role of zhongyong, higher education, 2017, 74(6): 1033-1051 (2/5) 

30. information-seeking intentions of residents regarding the risks of nuclear power plant: an empirical study in china, natural hazards, 2017, 87: 739-755 (5/5) 

31. an experiential learning perspective on students' satisfaction model in a flipped classroom context, educational technology & society, 2017, 20(1): 198-210 (2/2,通讯) 

32. how do informal ties drive open innovation? the contingency role of market dynamism, ieee transactions on engineering management, 2017, 64(2): 208-219 (3/3) 

33. conflict and creativity in inter-organizational teams: the moderating role of shared leadership, international journal of conflict management, 2017, 28(1): 74-102 (3/3) 

34. entrepreneurs’ passion and new venture performance in china, international entrepreneurship and management journal, 2017, 13: 1043-1068 (2/2,通讯) 

35. 创业教育对专业学位研究生创业意愿影响研究, 研究生教育研究, 2017, (1): 36-42 (3/3) 

36. moderating effects of guanxi and face on the relationship between psychological motivation and knowledge-sharing in china, journal of knowledge management, 2017, 21(5): 1077-1097 (4/4) 

37. supervisory styles and graduate student creativity: the mediating roles of creative self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation, studies in higher education, 2017, 4(42): 721-742 (1/3,通讯) 

38. 大学生思想政治理论课学习情感的影响因素研究, 国家行政学院学报 , 2017, 1(2017): 59-66 (2/2) 

39. 创业激情对新创企业绩效的影响机制研究, 科学学与科学技术管理, 2017, 11(38): 142-154 (2/4) 

40. abusive supervision and employee creativity in china: departmental identification as mediator and face as moderator, leadership & organization development journal, 2016, 37(8): 1187-1204 (1/3) 

41. 午休时间的各类活动对员工创新绩效的影响——基于工作卷入作为中介效应模型, 经济体制改革, 2016, (4): 115-120 (3/3) 

42. 尊重午休自主权: 如何在创新竞争的压力下提高员工创新绩效?, 预测 , 2016, 35(6): 23-29 (3/3) 

43. 自我职业管理、 实习旺盛感与就业能力: 学校职业支持的调节作用, 研究生教育研究, 2016, 3(33): 36-43 (1/3) 

44. 资本视角下的创业教育主体协同与创业意愿研究, 学位与研究生教育 , 2016, 4(34): 5-10 (3/3) 

45. 职业目标对工程硕士研究生实习效果及就业能力的影响, 学位与研究生教育 , 2016, 7: 57-61 (1/1) 

46. evaluating the competency mismatch between master of engineering graduates and industry needs in china, studies in higher education, 2016, 41(3): 445-461 (3/3) 

47. 中国文化背景下组织内“向上影响” 的策略结构研究, 价值工程, 2016, 35(34): 1-3 (3/3) 

48. 创业教育、社会资本对研究生创业意愿的协同效应影响研究, 教育学术月刊, 2016, 7(2016): 73-80 (3/3) 

49. 组织间团队共享领导与创造力关系的多层次分析, the journal of creative behavior, 2016, 52(2): 109-126 (1/5) 

50. the role of social media in supporting knowledge integration: a social capital analysis, information systems frontiers, 2015, 17(2): 351-362 (4/4) 

51. 课程学习对专业学位研究生职业能力提升影响机制的实证研究, 学位与研究生教育 , 2015, (12): 42-48 (1/3) 

52. 学位论文训练对专业学位研究生就业能力影响机制的实证研究, 学位与研究生教育 , 2015, (5): 18-22 (1/3) 

53. 我国研究生分类培养的理念、实践与困惑, 研究生教育研究, 2015, 25(1): 48-52 (3/3) 

54. 美国博士资格考试模式分析, 研究生教育研究, 2015, 5: 90-95 (2/2) 
